Capturing and Releasing


Contents    Living Scenes Jigsaw Puzzles


"Capturing" and "releasing" jigsaw puzzle pieces is useful for quickly gathering multiple puzzle pieces and repositioning them.  You can capture any number of puzzle pieces by clicking on them with the mouse's scroll wheel button.  Captured puzzle pieces are not visible since they do not appear on any table surface until released.  Captured puzzle pieces can be released one at a time by clicking the scroll wheel button on an empty area of the table.


You can gather multiple jigsaw puzzle pieces quickly by continuing to capture the scroll wheel button down after grabbing the first piece and moving the mouse over any other pieces you wish to capture.  You can also release multiple puzzle pieces quickly by continuing to capture the scroll wheel button down after releasing a piece and moving the mouse over an empty portion of the table surface to release more pieces.  Puzzle pieces can also be released on the miniature table views in the control panel using the same method.


If you do not have a mouse with a scroll wheel button you can also capture and release jigsaw puzzle pieces using the left mouse button while pressing the Shift key or while the Caps Lock key is engaged.